My Hero Wiki

Xilialadonnamashamaliafigonanamununu, Xil to her friends, is an Ultronian who was bethrothed to George. She intended to force George to go through with the marriage, until Janet discovered that the certificate of betrothal wasn't for George, but Arnie. (Girlfriend)


  • At first she speaked ultronian but when Tyler seemed to understand her, she stole his english speaking skills, and Xil is now speaking english
  • Her revealing "armor" seems to be based off Chi-Chi's from DB (althought the said woman only wore it as an kid, with some exceptions in video games), Janet even states that "with an outfit like that every man would be her husband"
  • She seems to like eating tea bags and cactuses
  • Janet seems to call her "B*tch queen from the planet sl*t"
  • She is also strong, as seen when she broke a wall in George's and Janet's bedroom